Friday, September 7, 2007


Not like "Darth Vader from planet Vulcan", but like the scene in the original "Alien" - and I have video
to prove it! When I got home last night, Val was watching TV and said, "Come look at this! He's really moving!" And I quickly grabbed the camera, because we could see the baby trying to kick and punch his way out! AMAZING! If I can figure out a way to post the video here, I will (and a computer guy like me should be able to figure that out...) Of course, he got a little camera shy and didn't move as much once I had the camera rolling, but the video definitely shows some intense movement.


Wednesday, September 5, 2007

ten guys in a conference room

I attended "Father's Class" last night at Lutheran Hospital. And like the title says, it was eight to ten guys (and one expectant mother) in Conference Room 1 for a two hour class. Lots of good information and ideas on the whole process.

Being a good student, I will share the main points of what I learned:
1.) support the mom
2.) survive the ordeal
3.) savor the moment

I'm glad I went, even though some of the information seemed obvious/common sense stuff (what not to say and how to be helpful, which I work on all the time.) There were a few things I hadn't really thought about and some good reminders on final preparations. Packing the bag, installing the car seat (is it really that hard?), etc. We also talked about pets - no really worries there. Tugboat is a little hyper, but both he and Stempy are really well behaved (save the paw prints on the couch and the occasional tipped garbage can...)


Tuesday, September 4, 2007

long time...

Wow, it has been awhile since I've posted. Let the procrastination cease!

This was a busy "baby weekend." Sunday, we made a trip to Belmond for the baby shower. All I can say is, "wow!" and, "THANK YOU!" It was humbling to have so many friends and family make the trip and join us in the celebration. We received so many nice gifts that will be "part of the web of support" (from a game we played.) After the activity/game, we had a reading, complete with appropriate props, from my relatives in Georgia. Refreshments followed, and while many guests were eating, we began to open gifts. I think our baby has it made! All the neat stuff - I don't know how children in the past got through to adulthood... HA! In all, I had a lot of fun! I didn't really know what I was getting into - I've only been to one baby shower before, and that was mine. And looking at those pictures, with Dad wearing the corsage, reminds me that was a long time ago... So to my male readers that have never been to a baby shower, I can fill you in on the secret rituals and customs (but probably won't - I've been sworn to secrecy.) We loaded up, and after a meal at Mom and Dad's, we headed back to Altoona. Thanks again to the planning committee and everyone who was there!

Yesterday was another milestone day for baby. After I spent the day tearing down wallpaper and Val put away baby stuff and wrote thank you cards, we headed out to do some shopping before meeting up with Ed and his brother and girlfriend for dinner. Quick stops at HyVee and Target were followed by a trip to Babies'R'Us. And we did it - we finally bought furniture for baby! That was the milestone, the baby's room should soon be ready. We've been looking at this furniture set for a few months and like the "lifetime" intent. The crib converts to a toddler bed and later can become a full-sized bed. If we would have known about these before, we probably wouldn't have had such a hard time finding furniture for our room (we had a very nice full-sized bed, but had an impossible time finding a bedroom set with a full headboard and ended up getting a queen set, followed by a new bed...) The list of necessities is getting shorter and shorter, which makes me a little more comfortable. Looking around the room now, it is getting full. Boxes and swings and toys and clothes. Furniture will be shipped and picked up in 7-14 days. This seven months has really gone by fast!

I am attending "Father's Class" tonight at Iowa Lutheran Hospital, further preparation for me. I'm excited, but don't know exactly what will be covered and what to expect. It's a two hour course - I think I need more training than that! I'll try to report back on that tomorrow. We also have other courses coming up, plenty more information for us.

It's been a busy couple of days, but a "good" busy :)