Wednesday, October 10, 2007

When it Rains, It Pours...

     First of all, I have to apologize for not blogging for awhile.  We have been busy with Baby Classes and lately our internet connection has been sporadic.

     Yesterday, I had a big surprise at work.  I was planning to eat lunch with my friends Elisa and Tara, but instead they surprised me with a baby shower.  I wasn't expecting it at all!  The baby got more wonderful gifts, and I had a fun time eating lunch and chatting with friends.  It is always amazing to me how creative and talented some people are - all the beautiful baby blankets, and baby wreaths and cakes made from diapers, home-made burp cloths.  How neat!

  This afternoon, Brandon's co-workers planned a baby shower for us as well.  We played a few games, too.  One was a memory game where there were 20 items that we would need for the baby on a tray.  We studied it for two minutes.  Then we had to list as many as we could remember.  Sixteen was the winning number.  We also had a contest (Brandon and I judged) to see who could draw the best baby on a paper plate - while holding it over their head.  Last, we had to "guess the flavor of baby food."  Brandon and I got to taste, while everyone else only smelled.  The unfair advantage didn't help me.  I think the only one I got right was the vanilla pudding.

     I mentioned Baby Classes earlier, so I am glad to say that we are finally done.  Funny, they don't give you a certificate or anything that says your ready for baby now!  We went to the childbirth prep class, baby care class, and we toured Lutheran's maternity center last night.  Methodist has a larger maternity center and Blank Children's Hospital is down the hall, but I want to go to Lutheran better because it is easier to find and I've heard that the staff is smaller and friendly.  Our tour guide said they had a lot of discharges that day, so I didn't see any women ready to deliver on the floor; only two premies in the NICU.

     It's nice that things are coming together.  We still have a few things to tie up (name, pediatrician, a few things in the nursery), but for the most part, I'm feeling like we are closer to being ready to welcome Baby Boelman into the world!



Anonymous said...

Happy 30th Birthday October 20, Brandon!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for Baby B to come!!!!!!!